Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Oh baby, birthers are certifiable

This just in: Hawaii is part of the United States. Thank goodness, because if it weren't, we may have to go looking for a new president. If you haven't been following the latest resurgence of a wacko controversy about Barack Obama, the Hawaii State Department of Health (once again) confirmed that our president is indeed a natural-born citizen of the U.S. because he was born in Hawaii, which -- like Alaska -- still counts as one of the 50 states even though it's really far away. The Associated Press reported this week that people called "birthers" claim that Obama is ineligible to be president because he was born outside of the United States. They believe, citing pretty much no credible evidence, that Obama, whose dad was African, was actually born in Kenya. This charge ignores the fact that Hawaiian officials have confirmed that Obama's birth certificate is legit and presumably considers the fact that not one but two Honolulu newspapers ran the birth announcement in 1961 is actually a socialist plot hatched nearly 50 years ago to bring Obama to power in the 21st century. The logic of birthers isn't too far past the wacko scale of the people who said Obama's middle name -- Hussein -- means that he surely is a Muslim and a terrorist. I'm not really good at math, but Obama's parents gave him is name back in August of 1961, well before most people knew of or cared about the name Hussein. So birthers, relax. We agree, as our Consitution mandates, that our president must be a "natural-born citizen." Be proud that you live in a country that gave a U.S. citizen who happens to be a man of color and African heritage a chance to run the best country in the world. The best way to get Obama out of office is to follow another wonderful mandate of the Constitution -- vote. (photo courtesy of dno1967's photostream on Flickr)

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